Brackenwood Customer Complaints Procedure
1.1 To ensure that customer’s complaints/disputes are handled courteously, sympathetically and swiftly.
2.1 Customers are requested to advise Brackenwood of any complaint/dispute by way of:
- Letter to the Business Operations Manager, Brackenwood House, Kimbell Road, Basingstoke, RG22 4AT
- E-mail
- Phone call to 01256 843988
2.2 Upon receipt the complaint will be:
- logged on the Customer Complaints Log located in L:\Amipro\Forms
- logged on the relevant Contract on the computerised CRM system (Adminbase) and any supporting documents will be attached to the Contract on the CRM
2.3 If a customer raises a complaint which we believe is solely against a 3rd party (such as a lender), we will:
- Write to you within five days and explain why the complaint will be dealt with solely by the 3rd
- Provide the name and contact details of the 3rd party business we have referred the complaint to.
2.4 If a customer raises a complaint which we believe both our business and a 3rd party (such as a lender) are responsible for, we will:
- write to you within five days to explain which parts of the complaint our business is responsible for and which parts the 3rd party is responsible for.
- Provide the name and contact details of the 3rd party business.
- Refer the relevant parts of the complaint to the 3rd party within five days.
- Handle the parts of the complaint which we are responsible for as per the following process.
2.5 The Business Operations Manager may nominate an employee to resolve the problem if they are not going to deal with it personally.
2.6 The nominated employee will respond to the customer in writing within 48 business hours to:
(a) acknowledge receipt of the communication
(b) advise the customer that they are dealing with the matter
2.7 It is the aim of Brackenwood to resolve complaints/disputes within 14 – 21 days of receipt of
the complaint.
2.8 If for any reason the 14 – 21 days’ timescale is exceeded the nominated employee will contact
the customer to update them on progress and to advise how much longer it is anticipated
before the matter will be resolved.
2.9 In very exceptional circumstances where the complaint/dispute is particularly complex and
takes longer to resolve, the nominated employee will continue to update the customer on a
regular basis until the complaint is resolved.
2.10 All forms of communication with the customer (i.e. written and verbal) will be recorded on
2.11 If we cannot agree a solution within eight weeks and your complaint relates to our credit
brokerage service, we will:
(a) write to you giving our reasons for the delay and an indication of when we expect to
provide a final decision OR
(b) issue our final decision letter which will explain our final position.
We aim to resolve all credit broker related complaints internally. However, if after receiving our final decision letter or eight weeks have passed, you may have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
If you want the FOS to look into your complaint you must contact them within six months of the date of our final response letter in writing to Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR, Telephone 0800 0234567, or e-mail Further helpful information can be obtained from visiting their website at